Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wayland Games and why they wont be getting my business again

Wayland Games and why they wont be getting my business again.
I had heard a lot about wayland games and had seen alot of advertisement around the Internet for there store, so when it came time that I needed some

Carnevale Website is live

If you have'nt yet seen Carnevale I would sugest getting your self over to Vesper-on games new website and checking it out. This new game sounds like a really cool

Getting heavy

 One of my favorite heavy support choices has to be the chaos defiler, yes I know this isnt a defiler but I prefer this model to the defiler model and its of comparable size so who cares. As a unit this can be devestating wth its large blast cannon and if you team this up with a deamon prince with lash of submission you can move your oponents troops into a nice tight group before you drop a world of hurt from your battle cannon.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


 When it comes to elite choices for Chaos Space Marines you cant go far wrong with terminators, with 2+ saves and 5+ invulnerable saves they are about as hard to kill as they come. Couple that up with the ability to deep strike and some serious firepower and you have an excellent shock troop. I tend to load my

Monday, October 24, 2011

Possessed Chaos Space Marines

Possessed Chaos Space Marines.

Well what can we say about these guys, with random "Benefits" rolled at the start of the game they can be either be good or pointless and as an elite choice I just cant bring myself to field them. As models go I like them, easy to buld fun to paint and

Daemon Prince model from GW

Twas the night before battle and all in the warp was quiet (except for the usual grinding of souls and the letting of blood, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!) Khorne looked down upon his eager and willing subjects all ready to throw themselves in to the unknown cauldron of battle, to quench his unending thirst for blood and skulls. When his flame red eye did stumble upon Kranos, a skilled and fierce warrior (if not a little mad) down on his knees once more giving thanks unto khorne. Who gives such a pitifully soul the chance to once again reek carnage across another world and revel in the most beautifull of games, that of

Tyranid Hive Tyrant

Nom nom nom.....The invasion has started with the arrival of my HQ choice for my new 40k army "The Terrornids". The Hive Tyrant from Games Workshop seemed the ideal choice with its mix of shooty and close combat skills. This is a really nice and really well detailed model, it seems a bit odd with its mix of metal and plastic pieces. There is a really nice weight to this model and with the addition of some magnets you can make the weapons easy to swap out depending on which prey enemy you are fighting. I have gone with the Beasts of War colour scheme with

Tyranid Hive Guard

What better accompaniment to the Hive Tyrant than the Hive Guard. They bring a good shooting attack, hitting on 3+ with a strength 8 ap assault 2 which doesn't need a line of sight you would be equal to a land raiders armour with a 6. if you take 3 in a brood that's 6 chances to get one, if you go with the stats you should be getting at least one hit. They are about average cost wise for an elite choice but being able to

Forge World Kohrne Blood Slaughterer Review

Well, here is my first post and its going to be a review of the Forge World Kohrne Blood Slaughterer. First things first how does it look? Well like most things from Forge World it looks great. On the board its a stand out piece that seems to get a lot of attention from round one. I think this is just because of the way it looks as I run it as a Chaos Space Marine dreadnought with close combat weapons and they don't seem to draw as much fire as this model. This can be an advantage if you have