Monday, October 24, 2011

Daemon Prince model from GW

Twas the night before battle and all in the warp was quiet (except for the usual grinding of souls and the letting of blood, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!) Khorne looked down upon his eager and willing subjects all ready to throw themselves in to the unknown cauldron of battle, to quench his unending thirst for blood and skulls. When his flame red eye did stumble upon Kranos, a skilled and fierce warrior (if not a little mad) down on his knees once more giving thanks unto khorne. Who gives such a pitifully soul the chance to once again reek carnage across another world and revel in the most beautifull of games, that of
death or glory and Khorne did look upon this and was pleased so unto him who would ravage worlds in his name he did give great power the better to become the destroyer of worlds across all eternity. So was the beginnings of Prince Kranos the defiler.

The new daemon prince model from GW is another wonderful piece to be added to the collection. Although I was a little disappointed with some parts of the molding most of these were hidden once assembled and when painted were hardly noticeable at all. The model went together easily enough, the only hard part was getting the shoulder guards to stay on. Having said that this is a great model and would make a cool leader to any chaos or chaos space marine army.

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