Friday, November 4, 2011

Ultraforge's Greater War Demon

When I first saw this I knew it was going to end up in my chaos space marine army. I found out about this not long after buying and praising the games workshop deamon prince which I will admit is a very nice model but when it comes to center piece models the Ultraforge stands head and shoulders above games workshops effort,

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Finecast Plague Marines

Finecast Plague Marines as troop choices go these guys can get very expensive both points wise and monetary at £27 for 7, but having said that for holding objectives they don't come much better. They aren't the best fighters in the chaos book but with feel no pain they do take some knocking down. As for being finecast Games

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Zoanthrope Doom of malan'tai

When it comes to elite choices for the 'nids you really need to use Zoanthropes, there strength 10 warp lance can deal with even the heaviest of armour and there 3+ invulnerable save is a great help.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Typhus Host of the Destroyer Hive

 Typhus Host of the Destroyer Hive, Blessed by Nurgle Typhus his body and armour have become host to a plague that manifests as a swarm that pours forth from cracks and fissures in his armour. Typhus can be a very effective HQ choice if used correctly with a 2+ armour save, two psychic powers, a deamon force weapon and feel no pain. Best used to wade into small bands of enemy or taking down larger multi wound enemys with his force weapon.