Friday, November 4, 2011

Ultraforge's Greater War Demon

When I first saw this I knew it was going to end up in my chaos space marine army. I found out about this not long after buying and praising the games workshop deamon prince which I will admit is a very nice model but when it comes to center piece models the Ultraforge stands head and shoulders above games workshops effort,
quite literally is some respects as its nearly twice as tall which can lead to trouble as hiding it behind terrain can become a bit of a challenge. Having said that it doesn't stop me from sticking it on the board at the earliest opportunity, I love this model and even though it does become a bit of a bullet magnet I cant help fielding it, being a bullet magnet can be some what of a help at times because it allows you to sneak a much harder hitting unit up the board whilst your opponent is shooting at the big red guy. As models go its a big solid piece of kit with the added bonus of Ultraforge supplying you with magnets for the wings and a pre drilled holes to put them in, the only down side was the sword was a bit fragile so I snipped of a bit and added my own magnets for ease of transport. All in all I would say if you have a chaos army get yourself one of these. 5 star product.

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