Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Typhus Host of the Destroyer Hive

 Typhus Host of the Destroyer Hive, Blessed by Nurgle Typhus his body and armour have become host to a plague that manifests as a swarm that pours forth from cracks and fissures in his armour. Typhus can be a very effective HQ choice if used correctly with a 2+ armour save, two psychic powers, a deamon force weapon and feel no pain. Best used to wade into small bands of enemy or taking down larger multi wound enemys with his force weapon.
I think this is a great looking model and when fielded along side plague marines it makes for a great looking themed army. Typhus isn't the most formidable of HQ units and in any kind of competative game I would probable field either Abbadon or a couple of Deamon Princes but for a bit of fun Typhus is a good fun option.

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