Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Zoanthrope Doom of malan'tai

When it comes to elite choices for the 'nids you really need to use Zoanthropes, there strength 10 warp lance can deal with even the heaviest of armour and there 3+ invulnerable save is a great help.
Zoanthropes are also Synapse creatures letting you extend your synapse envelope across the board for those units that need it, just dont get these thing into close combat because you will loose them. The doom of malan'tai on the other hand should only ever be placed in a spore and dropped behind enemy line, preferably in between groups of units. This will mean that at the begining of every shooting phase those units will have to take a leadership test on 3d6 and loose a wound for every roll over there leadership, if this wasnt awesome enough for every wound inflicted by the doom he recieves a wound back.

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